Three Travel Tips

  1. Clean

    I know, no one ever WANTS to clean, but cleaning before traveling is a must-do in my opinion. First of all, nothing feels better than coming back from a trip to a clean home - everything is in it’s place and ready for the chaos of unpacking and laundry and all the things to begin. You’ll be glad you have a clean slate. Second, in the off-chance that something might happen to you, hear me out - I actually learned this from my aunt as a young kid and it has always stuck with me - and people need to come into your house to find something, you want to make things easy for them. I know, it seems weird, and it is, but I have definitely had to walk someone through finding something in my house over the phone while I’m away and I’m always glad that I’ve had my house in somewhat decent shape for them.

  2. Create a Check-Out Routine

    You might think that you will remember all the things when you’re running out the door, but you will not. Create a check-out routine - we’ve started one for you here, but you can also map out your own - that helps you remember things you need to do, but that you’re likely to forget. Did the kids flush all the toilets? Did you set the thermostat? Did you run the disposal so you don’t come back to that weird smell? These little reminders also help getting out the door a little easier and a little less chaotic.

  3. Surprises for your Kids

    One thing I love to do if my kids are not traveling with me is to leave little surprises behind. This does not have to be anything extra special, but a few little knick-knacks from the Dollar Tree, maybe a new craft to bust out with grandma, a new book to read in the evening, etc. Just some little goodies that will brighten their day, let them know you were thinking about them, etc. Of course, they still expect a souvenir upon return, but this is a fun way for them to pass the time during the trip, as well.

Share some ways that your prepare for travel in the comments below - we would love to hear them!