Evening Routines

There are a million ways to cut a cake - am I right? And none of them make the cake taste any different, but some methods just work for certain people - and that’s the beauty of life!

The same with cutting a cake, there are a million different ways to end your evening at the end of the day. For example, some people might walk through the same steps day after day, while others may do something completely different every time they get tired. Honestly, for me, it is a little bit of both. Some days I do the exact same thing over and over - other days I’m too tired to function and just crawl into bed and call it a day.

However, I did want to share a few things that I love doing in the evenings to either wrap up the day or make the next day run smoothly!

  1. Tidy the Kitchen

    Every evening I love to reset the kitchen. This includes clearing the clutter, wiping down surfaces and starting the dishwasher. My goal every day is to unload the dishwasher in the morning, load it throughout the day, and then run it in the evenings - having a clear sink is a good feeling. I also love to get the coffee maker ready for the next morning!

  2. Gratitude

    Every evening, when we put the kids to bed, we always ask “What was your favorite thing today?” and we go around the room briefly sharing at least one thing that we loved about the day. It can be something simple like loving what we had for dinner or something bigger like an activity we did that day, but it’s always nice to end the day on a high note!

  3. Disconnect

    I love to set my phone to lock down all apps at 10pm. Sadly, most nights I need the reminder, but it’s nice to check out and put my phone away so that I am not scrolling at all hours of the evening.

  4. Review the Next Day

    I like to take time in the evenings to review the next day - talking about things on the calendar, follow-ups that need to occur the next day, etc. This is where something like the Brain Dump notepad is very helpful for writing things down and then mapping out when and where they need to happen. But also, having a synced calendar with your spouse or partner on your phone is very helpful for coordinating schedules.

Drop some of your favorite evening routine ideas in the comments below!