Build Your Best Year: Jackie Richards

Learn more about Jackie Richards - a go-to guru for all things social selling!

Hi I’m Jackie! I’m an enneagram 8 who loves Little Debbie and helping small social sellers with their Instagram content!

What is your planning/organizing routine for your day? My content planning exists in the form of brain dumps every day first thing.

What is one must-have-tool in your organizational arsenal? I can’t live without my white board calendar!

What is one app you can't live without? I love Lightroom!

What is your go-to morning routine to set you up for a great day? I love to ride my peloton and chug some caffeine!

On busy days, what is a quick dinner idea that you love? Little Cesar pizza for busy nights!

What is your favorite Instagram account to follow? I love following Charlene Johnson.
A book I recommend to everyone is: My go to book right now is the Atomic Habits.

What is one thing you do to re-charge? Trashy tv on Netflix is how it recharge!